If you are a current member or business within the BID district, please use this form to submit a new profile or make corrections to your current profile or listing. You only need to complete the fields where changes are needed. If you’re a new business or member, we’re happy to have you on board! Please find our new member form to complete instead of the one below.
All of our Aberdeen Downtown Association members will be given a full profile containing any details provided. Non-member businesses within the BID district, will be given a listing within one category of their choice. Looking to showcase your business on our site by becoming a member? Contact us! We’ve got more reasons to become a member if you want to check them out as well.
Once your changes or additions are submitted, our team will review the information and be in touch with any questions. If there are no questions we’ll publish your new information to the site. Please note, your submission does not automatically change the information on our site. We’ll work to get changes and additions made as quickly as possible but as a small team we appreciate your patience. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.